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Publications récentes

Boucher, M-S et al. "Productivity, nutritive value, and profitability of high digestibility alfalfa cultivars harvested at two stages of development in eastern Canada" Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 2023

Ochoa-Hueso, R et al. "Bioavailability of Macro and Micronutrients Across Global Topsoils: Main Drivers and Global Change Impacts" Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2023

St-Pierre-Lepage, S et al. "Use of six annual companion crops to establish alfalfa–timothy mixtures at different seeding dates" Agronomy Journal. 2023

D'Amours, J et al. " Combining reduced tillage and green manures minimized N2O emissions from organic cropping systems in a cool humid climate" Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2023)

Minville, A-K et al. "Evaluating the effects of intercrop management on weeds and soil aggregate stability during the establishment of semi-hardy grapevines in southern Quebec." Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2022)

Laroche, J-P et al. "Milk production and efficiency of utilization of nitrogen, metabolizable protein, and amino acids are affected by protein and energy supplies in dairy cows fed alfalfa-based diets." Journal of Dairy Science (2022).

Lavergne, S et al. "Pea-based cover crop mixtures have greater plant belowground biomass, but lower plant aboveground biomass than a pure stand of pea." Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 322 (2021): 107657.

Van Eerd, L et al. "Soil health and management". In M. Krzic, F.L. Walley, A. Diochon, M.C. Paré, & R.E. Farrell (Eds.), Digging into Canadian soils: An introduction to soil science (pp. 463–517). Pinawa, MB: Canadian Society of Soil Science (2021).

Thivierge, M‐N et al. "Root recovery and elemental composition in a perennial grass as affected by soaking conditions." Agronomy Journal 113.5 (2021): 3952-3967.

Lavergne, S et al. "Nitrogen content of pea‐based cover crop mixtures and subsequent organic corn yield." Agronomy Journal 113.4 (2021): 3532-3547.

Lavergne, S et al. "Using fall‐seeded cover crop mixtures to enhance agroecosystem services: A review." Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 4.2 (2021): e20161.

Gauthier, M., Hogue, R., D'Astous-Pagé, J., Champagne, M., & Halde, C. (2023). Developing scoring functions based on soil texture to assess agricultural soil health in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 103(4), 618-633.

Publications antérieures

Laboratoire d'agroécologie

Pavillon Comtois, local 3309
2425, rue de l'Agriculture
Université Laval
Québec (Québec), Canada G1V 0A6

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